Why is the planet earth spinning

It is so nice to know that planet Earth turned out to be the most suitable for various forms of life. It has ideal temperature conditions, enough air, oxygen and safe light. It's hard to believe that this never happened ...

Unusual Hypotheses: Prison Planet

WILLIAM DITZ PRISON PLANET Part One CRIMINAL Chapter One Move, carrion ... I'm not going to mess with you here all day. With a sneering grin, the guard pushed Jonathan Renn toward the shuttle's entrance hatch. There were already two waiting ...

Natural anomalies of the planet

Zombies in Chernobyl, mutants and other anomalies pursue everyone who may be even slightly interested in the topic of the history of Chernobyl and Pripyat directly. But does it really exist? The whole world remembered the frightening date of the explosion - 26 ...

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